How to Quit Capitalism

JA Westenberg
8 min readJan 7, 2024


Let’s start with something controversial: Capitalism is not an economic system. It is a philosophical and ideological force that shapes our lives, environment, and perception of humanity.

It’s a behemoth that thrives on relentless growth, often at a devastating cost. Under its reign, we witness the widening chasm of inequality, where the affluent soar on the wings of wealth while the less fortunate are left to the whims of an unforgiving market.

Our planet, the cradle of life itself, is treated as a commodity, its resources extracted with reckless abandon, its delicate ecosystems pushed to the brink for profit.

In its unbridled form, capitalism has ushered in an era where consumerism is king, and possessions are the yardstick of success. In this relentless pursuit of more, we have lost sight of what truly matters — our connection to each other, our harmony with nature, and our sense of purpose beyond material gains.

We’re trapped in a cycle that glorifies wealth and power, ignoring the human cost it entails — a cost paid in the currency of social injustice, environmental degradation, and a deep sense of existential void.

I harbor no illusions about the complexity of capitalism; I understand it is neither the sole, simple source of our world’s challenges nor a structure that can be dismantled overnight. To paint capitalism as the root of all evil is to oversimplify a vastly intricate problem of economic, social, and political dynamics.

It has been a driver of innovation and growth, lifting people from poverty and spurring advancements across various sectors. But the recognition of these achievements does not blind me to its flaws and excesses. My critique is founded on a balanced understanding that while capitalism has been a part of our progress, it has also created significant disparities and environmental crises.

Capitalism shapes far more than just our economic system — it moulds our culture, worldviews, and even our personal values. After centuries of capitalist ideology spreading globally, most of us struggle to imagine alternatives that look nothing like our capitalist status quo.

But ever-worsening wealth gaps, the climate crisis and other existential threats rooted in capitalism increasingly demand radical societal shifts.

This is the underlying question: can we truly free ourselves from it? Can we quit capitalism? Not just in the practicalities of detaching from a capitalist structure but in delving deeper into the philosophical quest of redefining our values and reshaping our collective consciousness.

It begins with a simple, profound realisation — to quit capitalism, we have to liberate ourselves from its entrenched mindset, beyond economic reform; it demands a fundamental shift in how we perceive success, value community, and envision our role in the future of humanity.

How do we quit capitalism?

  • The first layer to peel back is the assumption that greed and selfishness are innate human traits that any system must accommodate. In reality, people naturally demonstrate cooperation, compassion, and social responsibility — capitalist competition is what brings out individualistic instincts. Our altruistic nature surfaces when we design systems that appeal to humanity’s ethical core rather than its transactional periphery.
  • The second layer is the belief that jobs generate, affirm and organise life’s meaning and purpose. Imbalance is inevitable when work governs identity and dictates time allocation across society. People sacrifice relationships and downtime that nurture overall wellbeing. Post-capitalism must diversify sources of purpose across family, hobbies, and community — a richness impossible when working relentlessly to afford basic needs.
  • The third layer: we assume capitalist hierarchy reflects meritocracy and differences in human potential. In truth, no one works hundreds of times harder than another to “earn” their extra billions. And many capable passions — like caregiving and arts — languish, unable to monetise under capitalism. Hierarchy stems more from privilege and luck than worth or effort. A post-capitalism system must better reward diligence across all socially valuable roles.
  • Finally, the deepest layer may be the conflation of commodification with progress. We struggle to identify any human need that can’t be financialised for profit. But by commercialising knowledge, relationships, identity, and more, capitalism crowds out intrinsic developmental rewards with extrinsic financial ones — leaving us spiritually and psychologically deprived. Beyond reform, quitting capitalism requires wholly reimagining concepts like innovation and technology outside capitalist logic, even if that vision is hard to see.

Building Post-Capitalist Alternatives

  1. Democratise Work: Embracing shared ownership and self-management in businesses creates a culture of workplace democracy and dignity. This model empowers workers, giving them a voice in decisions and a stake in outcomes, thereby actualising cooperative values at the heart of economic activity.
  2. Localize Production: Shifting to distributed, independent — even solo — small-scale production models strengthen community bonds and promotes shared prosperity. This approach enhances local economies and reduces the environmental impact of long-distance supply chains, building resilience and sustainability.
  3. Scale Down Consumption: Challenging the pillars of consumerism, such as planned obsolescence, pervasive advertising, and the pursuit of luxury status symbols, is vital. By reducing wasteful resource use, this strategy aligns economic activity with ecological sustainability and nurtures a culture of mindful consumption.
  4. Provide Universal Services: Recognising essential services like healthcare, education, and childcare as universal rights paves the way for a more equitable society. These services, provided universally, ensure that every individual has the foundation to thrive, making equitability an ideal and scalable reality.
  5. Shorten Work Hours: Reducing the standard workweek can significantly improve individual wellbeing. Beyond personal benefits, this move helps conserve resources, minimises environmental strain, and can lead to a more equitable distribution of income and employment opportunities.
  6. Tax Accumulated Wealth: Implementing luxury and wealth taxes is a step towards rectifying economic disparities. As automation and technological advances concentrate wealth, such taxation ensures a fairer redistribution of resources, helping to bridge the widening inequality gap.
  7. Implement Basic Income: The introduction of an unconditional basic income recognises the basic dignity of all individuals. Providing a safety net empowers people to engage in voluntary labour and pursue meaningful work without the constraints of financial insecurity.

How to Make Individual Choices to Embrace a Post-Capitalist Lifestyle

  1. Conscious Consumption: Make informed purchasing decisions. Support businesses that are ethical, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible. Avoid products that contribute to wasteful practices or are produced unethically.
  2. Minimalist Living: Embrace minimalism by reducing unnecessary possessions and consumption. Focus on quality over quantity and value experiences over material goods. This lifestyle reduces waste and promotes sustainability.
  3. Community Engagement: Participate in local community initiatives. Engage with neighbourhood projects, local cooperatives, or community-supported agriculture. Building strong community ties emphasises a sense of collective wellbeing and reduces reliance on large capitalist structures.
  4. Sustainable Transportation: Opt for eco-friendly modes like walking, cycling, public transport, or car-sharing. Reducing dependence on private vehicles helps the environment and challenges the consumerist mindset.
  5. Ethical Banking and Investment: Choose banks and investment funds committed to ethical practices and invest in sustainable projects. Avoid supporting institutions that invest in harmful industries or practices.
  6. Volunteerism and Activism: Donate your time to causes that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic equality. Engage in activism to advocate for policy changes that align with post-capitalist values.
  7. Self-Sufficiency Skills: Learn skills that increase self-sufficiency, such as gardening, cooking from scratch, or basic repair work. This reduces dependence on consumer goods and deepens our connection with the basics of living.
  8. Mindful Technology Use: Be aware of how technology impacts your life. Resist the constant upgrade culture, and use technology to support your values rather than detract from them.
  9. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Adopt the three R’s daily. Reduce waste, reuse what you can, and recycle whenever possible. This practice is essential in minimising the environmental impact of consumption.
  10. Educate and Advocate: Educate yourself and others about the impacts of capitalism and the alternatives. Advocate for change in your circles of influence, whether it’s family, friends, or your broader community.

Embracing Digital Post-Capitalism

  1. Support Open Source and Free Software: Opt for open-source alternatives to mainstream software. These platforms are often collaboratively developed and freely available, embodying communal sharing and innovation principles.
  2. Use Decentralized Digital Platforms: Engage with decentralised social networks, content platforms, payment providers and processes. These platforms distribute power away from centralised authorities and develop a digital ecosystem based on equality and direct user control.
  3. Participate in the Sharing Economy Online: Utilise and contribute to online sharing platforms. Whether it’s sharing skills, knowledge, or resources, participating in these platforms promotes a culture of cooperation and community-based economics.
  4. Digital Minimalism: Adopt digital minimalism by consciously choosing how you engage with technology. Reduce digital clutter, unsubscribe from unnecessary services, and focus on digital content that adds value to your life.
  5. Promote and Engage with Crowdfunding for Social Causes: Support crowdfunding initiatives focusing on social, environmental, or community-based projects. This direct funding approach empowers individuals to contribute to causes they believe in and bypasses traditional capitalistic funding structures.
  6. Educate Through Digital Platforms: Use digital platforms to spread awareness about post-capitalism. Create or share content that educates and informs others about alternative economic models and lifestyle choices.
  7. Remote Work and Digital Nomadism: Embrace remote working opportunities that allow for a more flexible lifestyle. This challenges the traditional 9–5 work paradigm but also reduces the environmental impact associated with commuting.
  8. Online Bartering and Exchange Networks: Participate in or create online networks for bartering and exchanging goods and services. This system promotes a sense of community and reduces reliance on monetary transactions.
  9. Privacy-Conscious Online Behavior: Be vigilant about your digital privacy. Use tools and services that respect user privacy and data rights, challenging the data-centric business models of many capitalist enterprises.
  10. Support Ethical E-commerce: When shopping online, choose platforms and sellers that are ethical and sustainable. Look for e-commerce sites that give back to communities, support fair trade, and have transparent supply chains.

The initial mindset shift seems small relative to systemic oppression. The DIY movements, autonomous organisations and activists already show how new narratives can quickly catalyse major change once a critical consciousness awakens. Dormant seeds of alternative living sprout everywhere, from anarchist communes to agroecology farming to open-source technologies. Capitalism’s myths have already begun to decompose as young generations face the urgent failures of capitalism’s endless growth.

Now, the creative work starts: composting capitalism’s decay into fertile soil where shared prosperity has a chance.

Once we chip away at capitalist assumptions constraining imagination, radically different social forms emerge where equity and sustainability reign. Relationship anarchy supplants hierarchy. Identity is rooted in purpose, not profession. Technology aligns with ecology. Innovation seeks social gain, not market share. Production localises. Possession communalises. Value redistributes. Labour diminishes. Resources do not infinitely grow, but capabilities and connections do.

Quitting capitalism requires political change and economic restructuring. But the most crucial transition is the psychological one — quitting the competitive, individualist, consumption-driven mindset at capitalism’s core. No economic reform will create lasting, positive change until we start seeing each other as cooperative partners working toward shared prosperity. We must undergo a profound ideological transition before building an equitable post-capitalism future.

It’s a challenge to rethink, reimagine, and reshape our world. The cracks in the capitalist facade are showing, and through these cracks, we see glimmers of hope, of new possibilities, of a future where the economy serves humanity, not the other way around. This is our moment to question, contest, and move towards a new paradigm. The stakes are high, but I believe we have the resolve to envision and create a world that prioritises people and the planet over mere profit.

The path forward demands a nuanced approach, one that seeks to reform and reshape rather than to blindly demolish. We can envision an economic system that retains the strength of our achievements while addressing our failures, ensuring that progress and prosperity do not come at the cost of our planet’s health or our moral compass.



JA Westenberg
JA Westenberg

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